Open Pharma

Open Pharma 2023 summit: insights report

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Version 4 2024-05-09, 15:17
Version 3 2024-04-09, 13:34
Version 2 2024-01-30, 14:21
Version 1 2024-01-29, 17:01
posted on 2024-01-30, 14:21 authored by Tim KoderTim Koder

The Open Pharma summit took place in November 2023 and consisted of three sessions, each
aligned with one of the Open Pharma working groups

  • Session 1: PLS and discoverable content
  • Session 2: Open access
  • Session 3: Data and metadata

Each session featured a series of guest presentations by external speakers alongside showcase presentations from Members highlighting developments made across each topic area

To conclude each summit session, the participants engaged in a workshop during which they discussed their endorsements, recommendations, reservations and barriers regarding statements proposed to support the development of a new Open Pharma vision. At the end of the workshop, attendees made personal commitments related to these statements

This document provides an overview of the content presented in each summit session and the subsequent workshop discussions. The summaries presented here are intended to support the task force who will develop the new Open Pharma vision statement
